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A- Frame Cabin
A Frame 3
A Frame 4
A Frame 16
A Frame 3
Summer rates:
$85.00 per night
$425.00 a week
$1,870.00 a month
A-frame is closed in the winter.
Check-in is at 3:00 pm,
check -out at 12:00 noon.
A cozy 12 x12 A-frame "dry" cabin nestled in a perennial garden nursery! Complete with mini kitchenette, mini fridge,
stove-top oven, microwave, coffee maker & toaster oven and a water porcelain canister with spigot.
Double bed with loft for storage, perfect for one or two people .
There is a short walk to bathroom that is shared with other cabins, complete with hot shower, regular bathroom facilities, & your own towels and shower mat.
Cabin is media-free, WiFi is available in comfortable, enclosed Upper Deck located above the treehouse. which also has a fireplace and a great view of the ocean and the famous Homer Spit! or near Campfire pit.
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